<b>Built (S3E6):</b>San Diego's New Life for Life Sciences
Meet the developer, architect, and builder for the Research and Development District (RaDD), IQHQ's newest location for a $1.6 billion life science mega-development on San Diego's coast. Not just for employees, the area will open more of the waterfront to the community, too.
<b>Built (S3E5):</b> Don't Leave It for Future Generations to Fix
Climate change is real and Nautilus Solar Energy has a plan to make solar energy accessible to all -- without buying solar panels for your roof. Camelia Miu, CFO with Nautilus shares how solar gardens and existing power lines will get commercial real estate closer to net zero carbon emissions.
<b>Built (S3E4):</b> From the Cowboys’ Leading Tackler to Principal at Cresa
Throughout Darren Woodson’s multi-act career, he’s triumphed over obstacles. It’s the "bounce back" that has helped him find success outside of football and in commercial real estate.
<b>Built (S3E3):</b> Manhattan West Part II: A Visitor's View
Manhattan West took decades to plan and build; now that it exists, Brookfield has to attract visitors and keep their corporate and residential tenants happy. Visit the pedestrian plaza with us as we hear how Brookfield creates a sense of place somewhere that -- just a few years ago -- wasn't even a 'place' at all.
<b>Built (S3E2):</b> Manhattan West Part I: A Commercial Real Estate Engineering Feat
Manhattan West is one of the newest developments in New York City, featuring two skyscrapers, a residential building, a hotel, and more. But just a decade ago, the area was essentially a hole in the ground, overlooking train tracks coming in and out of Penn Station. Meet the team that planned for decades and created land for the development, all without stopping an essential transportation corridor.
<b>Built (S3E1):</b> Coastlines and Timelines: The Impact of Climate Change on Commercial Real Estate Investments
As climate change affects the real estate industry, are we ready for what's ahead? In 5-, 10-, 20-years from now, what regions will be the ‘climate winners’ and where will we see investors retreat? Mary Ludgin, Senior Managing Director and Head of Global Investment Research at Heitman, uses data to understand patterns in climate risk and determine what’s worth the investment as coastlines and temperatures change.
<b>Built (S3E0):</b> Trailer for Season 3
Learn why commercial real estate is much more than walls, windows, and income statements. Join our host, Brian Maughan, for a new season of Built.